We're going on submission!


I don't know what to say. I'm at a loss for words.

I edited, and edited. I got an agent! And we edited more, and even more. We fixed the middle, the ending, the main character, the love interest--then we fixed all the problems created by accident while doing so. I got tired of friends and coworkers constantly asking if I'd sold my book yet.

The last round of revisions took me more than five months. Some of that included job-quitting and house-moving, so technically more like three months. Still, there was a lot of rewriting, stitching together, throwing out chapters, and a constant worry of, "Oh god I've made it worse, she's going to hate it." It's probably 90% changed from the first draft by now.

After I sent it back to Agent, my timing was so wonderful, two other clients also sent manuscripts back at the same time, and on top of it Agent had to go and get married, sheesh! Understandably, mine took a while to get to.

When talking about how to approach this latest revision (which included the phrase "from the ground up"), Agent made it clear I should expect multiple more rounds after this. Re-structure, patch what I can, then see how the dust settles; biggest issues this time, smaller issues next time.

Well. She's read it now. And there were like two comments and five typos. The email I received was falling over backwards with praise. "I am blown away by the changes you’ve made this time around."

We're going. On submission. Next week.


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