More Stories Should Play Around With Non-Earth Settings
Sure, Tatooine has two suns, Arrakis is a giant desert full of sandworms and spice mines, and Doctor Who once visited a planet made of diamonds --but characters don't have to be traveling on spaceships to have adventures in non-Earth settings. Sci-fi has always done a pretty good job imagining strange and fantastic worlds, which always makes me happy, yet at the same time I've realized there's some cool real science that could be used to expand sci-fi and fantasy settings a lot more than is often seen. (And as cool as Star Wars can be, it's worth mentioning how silly it is that most of the places are mono-settings: ice planet, swamp planet, city planet...) Now, all of the pictures you see here are from the public domain. I want to show you a few other things, too, but I'm going to send you to the original sources (or at least, the links where I found them). It all started when I stumbled upon this reddit thread discussing plant colors on other (theoretica...