If you're bored of a novel, it's because it lacks conflict.
I've come to find myself repeating one concept over and over. We talk about it every week at writing group. It comes up all the time on critiquing websites. I even have to tell myself from time to time. Based on the results, I'm starting to think this may be the secret ingredient: When writers are bored of their own stories, it's almost always due to a lack of conflict or tension. There may be some. In fact, there's usually some. But in brainstorming, and editing, and critiquing, and discussing, problem-solving always comes back to this. There needs to be enough to propel a whole scene. What really doesn't work, I've found, is "this scene has to be there so we understand x." There lies the path to characters going through the motions. Dialogue that informs us of something, but has no oomph; scenes that are pretty and realistic, but seem to drag; low-level tension that lacks the sizzle you expect. I'll bet you've read scenes like that, and...