New Years Resolutions

I'm back on this first day of the new year, with a huge stockpile of hopefully interesting blog posts, and we're going to kick off with some reflection!

Last year was a big year for writing, for me. I finished my first MS, I queried my first agents, I talked to several real agents on the phone, and then I actually signed a contract with a fantastic agency. I also finally escaped the vestigial clutches of vet school reading burnout, and managed to read a bunch of great books, mostly by contemporary fantasy authors.

So what are my hopes and plans for this year?
  1. See the Pull of Gravity polished up beyond my best dreams of how good it can be, and find it a home with an enthusiastic publisher.
  2. Finish up a second MS, my dark fantasy novel.
  3. Keep blogging consistently, and hopefully keep up the quality.
  4. Read, read, and read some more!
Here's to a fresh new year, and lots of writing!


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