Hello World

Blogging and I aren't the best of friends. We've had a few affairs over the years, but kept parting ways.

Part of that is because I tried to keep up a vet blog. I had some fun stories from vet school, and really wanted a place to chronicle the positive and memorable moments as I progressed through my career... but after getting home from work at the end of the day, the last thing I wanted to do was talk about work. So I kissed it goodbye and let it slide into obscurity.

I knew I'd still need a so-called "platform" for my writing career. I ignored that fact while working on my first MS, because it seemed so far off, it didn't really matter. And I didn't want to have simply Another Writer Blog with my completely unqualified ponderings on the same topics others have covered far more articulately and with far more authority. After all, I was just another aspiring novelist with an unfinished MS and not much else to talk about.

Then I got an agent. I survived the rigors of query-land and ended up with the wonderful Caitlin McDonald. Publishing went from Distant Dream to Something That Might Happen.

While I was marveling over seeing my name on the Donald Maass Agency's client list, it struck me that it would be nice for that to actually link to somewhere. A website with my own name, ideas, and experiences. Where I don't have to obscure my identity because of confidentiality, where I can actually build a fan base and interact with them. Talking about writing is easy to do! I could talk about writing all day long!

So here begins my official journey as an author. Expect to read about the ups and downs of writing and publishing, of course, but I wouldn't be a proper SF nerd if I didn't squeal over spacey and science-related things with you! And while I've bid my vet blog farewell, there are thoughts and lessons to be gained from the world of veterinary medicine that are applicable to writing, which I hope to continue to discover and share.

I look forward to seeing what the future brings! (Though I do hope it's more Star Trek than Battlestar Galactica!)


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